Sankars Creation

By Dr. Dipak Pramanik

Jibankrishna stated:
“Who is ‘this man’? Yes, he is a marked man. This mark has been given to him by the Supreme one from within.
This very mark reveals the Meaning experiences and proof of the Vedic aphorism ‘He attains the Supreme One, in whom the Supreme One from within the body expresses Himself which means the spontaneous expression of the Supreme One from within.
According to Vedas, the proof of the attainment of this Brahmahood (Supreme One) will be corroborated by the appearance in the very form made of the light of God of the attainer in the innumerable people. The attainer himself will also see almost everyone within himself, whosoever will come in contact with him.
The attainer of the Brahmahood clarifies and bears proof of the aphorism – ‘One is all and All is One’ – Pantheism
The translation of the Vedic stanza is this – Thousands will see him within themselves and he shall see thousands within him. This is the peculiar characteristic of the ‘Parama Brahma’ and nothing else.
This is the most mysterious feature of the miracle as it is nothing but the most Insurmountable miracle for a man to be seen by myriads of men as long as he lives.
Now, the question of solving the mystery and bringing out its nature in the day-light is left to the scientists.
Every human being has an innate Brahmahood within him. Sometimes this Brahmahood unfolds itself, bears its proof (by appearing within myriads of people). And the Truth is perennial one, as spoken in the Vedas.”
The proper age for the appearance of God-the-Preceptor
At the age of twelve years and four months, God-the-Preceptor assumes a human form, made of God’s light, appears in the body, gives him his bliss denoting the whole future life of the devotee in a single word, teaches him the whole process of yoga (Rajyoga), the method of transformation into god and then disappears.
God is in the body. The man is not aware of him. He comes out and makes the man conscious of divinity in him. The man sees all these occurrences.
Then commences ‘Sadhan’ (austerity) or transformation of the inner-self into supreme bliss. Innumerable area the conditions and realizations through which the inner-self passes and transforms till it reaches the void zone where no ego or the last thing of feeling exists (Brahmagnan).
Then descent follows. God in the body comes down first from cerebrum to throat then again from cerebrum to the waist and lastly in the form of a manikin (Manus Ratan). This manikin speaks out about the process of God’s sport in the body.

Jibankrishna stated:
“God -the -Preceptor assumes human form, appears before you, blesses you and says, ‘you will attain God-head’. God in the body takes this unknown or by-gone human form, selects you as a bridegroom, in other words makes your body a playground for His blissful and joyous sports.
He teaches you the whole course of ‘Rajyoga’, the emanation and transformation of God through the five sheaths or the seventh planes into the Supreme Bliss.
Sri Ramkrishna says, ‘Without the bliss of God-the-Preceptor, there cannot be any upward progress’. This upward progress means the upward motion of the life power in a man, that is, the waking of life power and her march in the seventh plane. “Without the attainment of God-the-Preceptor, the life power does not wake up. There cannot be any realizations without life power being wakened up.
The attainment of God-the-Preceptor is a kind of transformation into God – with – Form as God in the body assumes that form out of sheer mercy.”
Among various measures God-the-Preceptor expresses himself in the body as an unknown man as one of the measures, ‘Unknown man’ means the human form of God-the-Preceptor whom you did not see before; but afterwards you will be coming to know everything about him.”

Let us enjoy every day as a new year. This site calls for everyone to be in the realm of creation which can be anything- writing, gardening, drawing, origami even some items created for home decoration that gives you satisfaction and makes the day a new year. That gives meaning to life. Let us share our creations on this page.

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